Course Syllabus

SAC LogoMath 219 Syllabus

Course Description:
This course is a beginning course in statistics. The course includes various topics in mathematics, such as descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing, confidence limits, regression, contingency tables and non-parametric statistics.  Students are expected to use their prerequisite basic algebra skills from Intermediate Algebra (Math 083).

Textbook Information: 
Students will need the MML Student Access Kit and may choose to purchase a hard copy of the Sullivan Statistics, Informed Decisions Using Data, 5th edition, Pearson, 2017, textbook.  These items are available in the campus bookstore or at  After purchasing the MML Student Access Kit you will need to log into MyLab and Mastering web page.

Course Learning Objectives: 
Students will be able to accurately use estimation to determine whether a given answer is reasonable; apply problem solving techniques to every day situations; interpret data; and make conclusions about statistical claims.

Student Learning Objectives: 
Students will be able to correctly interpret a graphical display of data; and be able to take a statistical claim about a data set, perform an appropriate procedure, and correctly write a conclusion that address the claim.

Meet Your Instructor:     Professor Mike Everett

Mike Everett
M.A. Mathematics, California State University, Fullerton
B.A. Mathematics, California State University, Fullerton
B.S. Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton

Course Syllabus:    C219SyllabusFall.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due