Course Syllabus

SAC LogoMath 83 Syllabus

Course Description:
A combined course in algebra that includes systems of equations, inequalities, graphs and functions, radicals, quadratic polynomials, rational expressions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and problem solving aimed specifically at liberal arts and social science majors. Students are expected to use their prerequisite basic algebra skills from Pre-Algebra (Math N48).

Textbook Information: 
Students will need an Aleks code, the Math 83 Additional Documents packet and your own copy of the textbook, Sobecki & Mercer, PATHWAYS to Math Literacy for each class session.  These items are available in the campus bookstore. 

Course Learning Objectives: 
Students will be able to accurately use estimation to determine whether a given answer is reasonable; apply problem solving techniques to every day situations; computer percent increase/decrease; compute simple and compound interest; and apply empirical and theoretical probability to given situations.

Student Learning Objectives: 
Students will be able to construct and analyze consumer graphs; apply linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential equations  and functions numerically, graphically, or algebraically, in appropriate applications; and find models of best fits for given sets of data.

Meet Your Instructor:     Professor Mike Everett

Mike Everett
M.A. Mathematics, California State University, Fullerton
B.A. Mathematics, California State University, Fullerton
B.S. Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton

Course Syllabus:    C083SyllabusFall2017FaceToFace.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due