Course Syllabus

SAC LogoStudy Skills 109 Syllabus

Course Description:  This course provides effective success strategies to enhance student self-development, academic and lifelong learning skills for the college student.  The techniques include: values, goal-setting, dealing with money, stress management, students own personal growth methods, and develop strategies to effectively deal with issues to ensure personal, educational, and career success.

Course Textbook Link:

Meet Your Instructor: 

Jodi Coffman Headshot.jpg

Instructor Name: Dr. Jodi P. Coffman

Phone: 714-564-6924


Office Hours: (M,T) 7:30-8:30am; (W,TH) 12-1:00pm; or by appointment

Office Locations: I have 2 office locations on the Santa Ana College Athletics office is in E-109 (on the west end of campus next to the pool, facing the rest of the campus); and in the Counseling office (located in the Administration building).

Notes: Please know that I make every effort to return correspondence (during the work week) in a 24 hour time period.

Course Syllabus:  SS 109O-Syllabus.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due