Course Syllabus

SAC LogoEnglish 61 Syllabus

Course Description:  Expository paragraph writing emphasizing various methods including argumentation. Practice in refining sentence skills and grammar.  Students may be referred to the Learning Center. 

Textbook Information:  

  1. Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings. Ninth edition. Required.
  2. The Elements of Style. Fourth edition. Recommended.

Additional Course Information:  
I will communicate with you through announcements and email. To ensure that you will receive notifications from me, register current email address in “Notifications” on Canvas.

For non-technology, course-related issues, please email me. For emails sent M-F between 8am-4pm, you can generally expect a reply from me within 24 hours. Emails sent during the weekend will receive a reply on Monday.

Student Learning Objectives: 

  • Students will use the writing process to write, in MLA format, essays, including a documented paper, using appropriately chosen details, organizational strategies, sentence variety, and sufficiently correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Students will be able to read critically for literal meaning and identify the main idea of a reading and the author's writing strategies as well as summarize and paraphrase effectively. 
  • Students will evaluate and ethically use primary and secondary sources.


Meet Your Instructor:  Greetings! My name is Mujib Tahir. I have been teaching for more than four years. This is my fifth semester at SAC. As you are now, I too attended community college before transferring to CSUF. I am glad I went the community college route, and I hope that after successfully completing your education here you will agree that the education and experience gained here better prepared you to continue your education and begin your professional career.

English 61 Syllabus - PDF

Course Summary:

Date Details Due