Course Syllabus

SAC LogoEnglish 102 Syllabus

Course Description:  Literature and Composition

Textbook Information:  Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, Kennedy and Gioia, Seventh Ed.; The Road, McCarthy; dictionary of your choice

Student Learning Objectives:  Students will read and discuss critically in order to understand literary works on both a literal and symbolic level to identify literary devices and to analyze how they function to reveal theme. Students will apply criteria of literary/artistic assumptions, fallacies, syllogisms, deduction and induction; evaluate evidence, examples, and arguments for soundness; assess authoritative testimony; draw inferences from statistics; and recognize rhetorical devices. Students will synthesize information to produce academic essays and a documented research paper by using resources ethically in MLA format, reflecting collegiate level writing standards.

Meet Your Instructor:  I have been teaching here at SAC for over seventeen years. I enjoy camping, reading, writing and am excited to see the Dodgers have a real shot at the World Series this year.

Course Syllabus:  English 102-Fall 2017 Syllabus (Hybrid).doc

Course Summary:

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