Course Syllabus

SAC LogoLIB 100: Library Research Fundamentals Syllabus

Download the Syllabus


LIBI 100 Fall canvas 2017 Syllabus.docx.pdf

Meet Your Instructor:  Jaki King, E-Learning Librarian/Assistant Professor

Textbook Information:  Guess what? No textbook. :-)


Course Learning Objectives:  

  1. Demonstrate an understanding for different types of information resources available through libraries and the Internet, their use, and how they are organized
  2. Identify an effective research topic and research question
  3. Identify the type of resources which help to answer your research question or topic
  4. Effectively search, locate, and evaluate information resources to answer the research question/topic
  5. Cite and annotate the sources you use in your work using APA or MLA

Course Summary:

Date Details Due