Course Syllabus
Art 100 Syllabus
Fine & Performing Arts Division-Department of Art
Art 100: Introduction to Art Concepts
FALL 2017
Section 39225
MW 11:10 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.
Room A-130
Instructor: Edward Fosmire
Campus Phone: (714) 564-5619; Office Location: C-107
Office Hours: Wed./Thurs. 2-4:30 p.m.
A study of the visual arts in relation to both personal and cultural expressions. Fundamentals of visual organization, color theory, terminology, historical art movements and concepts will be studied. Required for art majors. Lecture. Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC. 3 credits.
Course Objectives (SLOs):
Students will…
- Analyze works of art based on their formal characteristics including the elements of art and the principles of design.
- Classify works of art into categories based on their purpose and/or function.
- Know and understand traditional and contemporary art media and their techniques.
- Consider and understand examples of art from across cultures and timeframes.
Required Text: Your textbook is in OER (Open Educational Resource) format. When you registered for this class you were charged an additional $5 for use of the OER e-book. There are no other additional charges for the e-book. You may go directly to the e-book through this link.
Tips for using the e-book: Using an e-book is not that different from using a paper book, except that you have to have an internet-connected phone, tablet, or computer in order to view it. An added bonus is that the e-book can link you directly to relevant videos—you’ll notice some of those as we go through the semester. I have recently edited your e-book, and you are responsible for reading and understanding ALL CHAPTERS, even if the material is not covered in one of our Discussions. Clicking on the “Next” or “Previous” buttons at the bottom of each reading will get you to the next reading topic.
Course Site: When you are officially enrolled in the class and the class has been made available to students, you will have access to our class Canvas site: You may access our Canvas course site from home, the library, the student labs at SAC, or anywhere you have a computer that connects to the internet. Students are expected to log in and monitor the class Canvas site frequently as important information may be posted there throughout the semester.
Expectations: This is a college level course. College credits are based on “units”. One semester unit represents one lecture hour of required classroom time and two hours of student preparation time. Thus, our three unit course requires 3 lecture hours and 6 hours of student preparation, or approximately 9 hours total, per week that you will need to spend on this course.
Methods of Evaluation:
Attendance/Participation: Attendance in this class in incredibly important. This means arriving on time and staying until the end of class. Because this is a summer class and we will be together several hours each meeting, roll may be taken more than once at each class meeting. Two unexcused tardies or early departures equals one absence.
In-class assignments may be conducted throughout the semester to help assess participation. Students are also expected to take detailed notes of the material presented in class. The professor may ask to see your notes without notice. Students should bring their textbook, notebook, pen or pencil, and this syllabus to class each meeting. Assigned readings should be read before or soon after the class for which they are assigned.
It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from a course. A student may be dropped by the instructor when not appearing at the first class meeting or for excessive absences when the total hours of absences exceed 10% of the total scheduled hours of the class.
Examinations: There will be four exams during the semester. All exams are multiple choice and will require a 100AS answer form. Make-up exams will be allowed in extreme cases. It is the students’ responsibility to contact the instructor prior to or immediately after the scheduled exam to make alternative arrangements and to provide any necessary documentation. The format of a make-up exam will be essay.
Points distribution:
Attend./Participation 20 points
Exam 1 20 points
Exam 2 20 points
Exam 3 20 points
Exam 4 20 points
Total 100 points
Grading Scale:
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 0-59%
Students with disabilities:
A student with a disability, who would like to request an academic accommodation, is responsible for identifying herself/himself to the instructor and to the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS). To make arrangements for academic accommodations, contact the Disabled Student Office in B-100, or phone (714) 241-5769 for a referral to the appropriate DSPS department. To take exams in the Assessment Center, DSPS students must notify the instructor at least one week prior to the scheduled exam date.
College Policy on Academic Honesty:
“Students at Santa Ana College are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, or to cheat on an examination, corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. Academic dishonesty is seen as an intentional act of fraud, in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic exercise. As institutions, we also consider academic dishonesty to include forgery of academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, assisting other students in acts of dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty.” -Santa Ana College Catalog
Cell phones, laptops, and tablets:
Please turn off and put away all phones during class time. Points will be deducted for use of cell phones and other devices during class and you may be asked to leave the room for the remainder of the class meeting. Please DO NOT use laptops or tablets for note-taking, but please DO take notes with paper and pencil or pen.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |