Course Syllabus

SAC LogoBio 193 - Biotech C:  Nucleic Acids


Course Description: 

(4 units)  This course introduces the fundamental skills in applied biotechnology focusing on the upstream research and development process. Skills include maintenance of an industry standard notebook, preparation and sterilization of solutions, reagents and media, utilization of good aseptic technique, proper use and maintenance of laboratory equipment, adherence to quality control protocols, lab safety regulations, DNA/RNA extraction and purification, bioinformatics, polymerase chain reaction, electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, recombinant DNA technology, DNA cloning, fluoresence in situ hybridization, and Southern blot analysis and in vitro transcription.  Compliance with industry standards and regulations will be incorporated into course procedures.    

Textbook Information:  We will be using you textbook from Bio 191.  Copies are available in the lab.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Students will know how to subclone a gene into a cloning or expression vector.   

2.  Students will know how to express and detect a gene.

Meet Your Instructor: 

Kathy Takahashi, PhD

Ways to contract me:

email -     **Best way to contact me

Phone number - 714-564-6628

Office - R-224

Classrooms I teach in - R-226 & R-228


My Fall 2017 Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9 Bio 229 Bio 229 OC Biotech
10 Micro Micro Meeting
11 Lab R-226 working in Lab R-226 working off campus
12 my office at home
1 Bio 229 R-224 Bio 229
2 Lecture Lecture
3 Bio 193 Lab Bio 193
4 Nucleic Open Lab
5 Acids R-228 R-228
6 6:30pm 6:30pm
7 Bio 229 Bio 229
8 Micro Lab Micro Lab
9 R-226 R-226

Course Syllabus:   link to Syllabus PDF

Fall 2017       Santa Ana College        Math, Sci. & Health Sci. Div.

Bio 193 - Biotech C: Nucleic Acids        Section – 40289

Lecture Online   Lab M 3-6:10pm  Open Lab W 3-6:10pm   R-228


Instructor:  Kathy Takahashi  **

**Please put the Bio 193 in the subject line of your email to insure your message is read promptly.

Off. Hours: M&W 12:15 – 12:45pm R-224    W 3-5pm, 6:00-6:30pm R-228/online      

Phone: 714-564-6628



Course Description:

            (4 units)  This course introduces the fundamental skills in applied biotechnology focusing on the upstream research and development process. Skills include maintenance of an industry standard notebook, preparation and sterilization of solutions, reagents and media, utilization of good aseptic technique, proper use and maintenance of laboratory equipment, adherence to quality control protocols, lab safety regulations, DNA/RNA extraction and purification, bioinformatics, polymerase chain reaction, electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, recombinant DNA technology, DNA cloning, fluoresence in situ hybridization, and Southern blot analysis and in vitro transcription.  Compliance with industry standards and regulations will be incorporated into course procedures.


We will meet for lab on Mondays from 3:00pm to 6:10pm.  Plan on being in lab the entire time specified.  Leaving early or arriving late will cost you points


NOTE:  In this class, we work with potentially dangerous microorganisms and chemicals.  Students who are pregnant or have depressed immune systems are advised not to take this course without first consulting their doctor.


Attendance:  Regular class attendance is required by the college, mandatory to ensure safety in the lab, and is virtually essential to academic success.  Any student who misses TWO LAB PERIODS ANYTIME THROUGHOUT THE COURSE WILL BE DROPPED at the instructor’s discretion.  Two tardies count as an absence.  Please contact me ahead of time if you foresee any legitimate attendance problems.  Ultimately, you are responsible to add or drop yourself from any class.


Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:

Students will know how to subclone a gene into a cloning or expression vector.

Students will know how to express and detect a gene.


Lisa A. Seidman and Cynthia J. Moore. Basic Laboratory methods for Biotechnology: Textbook and Laboratory Reference, 2 ed. Prentice-Hall Inc., 2009, ISBN: 9780321570147. $65.86



 Materials to be Supplied by the Student

Lab Notebook (comp book type).  Please bring a lab coat and goggles if you have them.  If you do not, you can borrow some.     


Grading:  Grading for this course is based on the total number of points you earn in the class.         


Exams  (150 pts each)                                               300 pts

Quizzes or Homework                                               100 pts

(best of 10/11 – 10pts @)              

Soft Skills                                                                  180 pts

              Weekly Assess. (16 weeks x 6.25 pts)            

              360 Assessment               (80 pts)

Lab Notebook                                                            100 pts

              Initial Assessment           (20 pts)

              Periodic Assessments (20 pts @x4) 


Lab Skill Tests                                                           200 pts              

              Transformation                  (40 pts)

              DNA prep                           (40 pts)

              Plasmid Map                      (40 pts)

              PCR                                   (40 pts)

              CRISPR Design                 (40 pts)


Final Project                                                             120 pts

              Project Design                 (30 pts)

              Lab Notebook (Project)   (30 pts)

              Data                                (30 pts)

              Formal Write-Up             (30 pts)


Total                                                                          1000 pts




Points will be deducted if protective clothing & equipment are not worn. 

Grading Scale: A = 100-90%  (1000-900 pts)   B = 89-80% (899-800 pts)  C = 79-70% (799-700 pts)  D = 69-60% (699-600 pts)  F = Less than 60%  (< 600 pts)

(To determine your grade at any time, divide the total points possible (to date) into the number of points that you have, and then move the decimal point two spaces to the right.  Check your percentage against the scale above.)



Assignments are due on time.  Late work will lose 5% for each day it is late.  Course grades are earned based on the percentage of total points accumulated versus the total number of points possible.  Points are earned by each student not given by the instructor and are therefore not negotiable.


Examinations and Quizzes:  Lecture exams will be a mixture of objective questions and short answer questions.  Many of the assessments will occur online.  Lab Skills Assessments will occur in person.

Laboratory evaluations (Final Assessment).  Laboratory evaluations of student lab skill proficiency, professionalism, communication, teamwork, attitude, critical thinking, knowledge of equipment, procedures and SOPs will be evaluated by the instructor and all other students in the class.  This is called a 360 evaluation and is very similar to job performance evaluations conducted in industry.  Please note, also, that there are no special make-up for the lab evaluations for a student regardless of the cause.


Regrades:  ALL requests for regrades on quizzes or exams must be submitted in writing within one week of the items return.  Indicate which question should be regraded, what the problem is, and why you feel your answer is correct.  I reserve the right to regrade the entire test to the key for all regrade requests submitted.

Mistakes made in entering scores into Blackboard or Canvas are not considered regrades.  Just show the instructor the item that was entered in error, fillout a regrade form with the info and the mistake will be corrected. 


Make-Ups for Examinations or Quizzes:  Make-Ups are only granted with advance consent of the instructor and a valid documented reason for the make-up (ei.  Surgery or court date.  Not birthday or assignment in another class.). 


Cell Phone Policy:  Classroom disruption by cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited.  All cell phones and similar electronic devices must remain turned off and out of sight for the duration of the lecture portion of class.  Failure to do this will result in your being asked to leave the class immediately.  Electronic devices utilized in a learning context, such as laptops, audio recording devices and language interpreters are permitted during lecture.  They are not permitted during exams and quizzes.  The use of an electronic device during an exam or in class quiz will result in a “0” for that assignment and will result in the loss of all extra credit points.  The use of electronic devices in class is a privilege, and should be used by students for course specific work only.  The professor reserves the right to ban their use at any time. 



From the 2016/2017 Santa Ana College Catalog, pg. 20.

Students at Santa Ana College are ex­pected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, or to cheat on an examination, corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. Academic dishon­esty is seen as an intentional act of fraud, in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without autho­rization, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic exercise. As institutions, we also consider academic dishonesty to include forgery of academic documents, intentionally imped­ing or damaging the academic work of others, assisting other students in acts of dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty.

Procedures – In cases where a violation of academic honesty is discovered, the faculty member is encouraged to file an “Academic Miscon­duct Incident Report” form and distribute the form to the appropriate offices listed.

There are two categories of sanctions: Lim­ited and College-wide. Limited sanctions include an academic action such as assign­ing a lower grade or a grade of “F” for the assignment, project, or test. College-wide sanctions include any sanction that will affect a student’s standing with the college-at-large, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the College.

In matters relating to academic honesty violations, the primary responsibility for disciplinary proceedings rests with the in­structor and the academic division where the violation allegedly occurred. The Dean of Student Affairs will assist in all College-wide sanctions.

Academic dishonesty or cheating is defined as an intentional act of fraud in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization.  This includes assisting other students in acts of dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty, whether it is in coursework or on exams.  There is absolutely NO tolerance for cheating in this class.  All forms of extra credit will be stripped from any student found participating in academic dishonesty directly or indirectly as well as the opportunity to make-up a missed examination regardless of the reason.  A student will face a “0” for the use of an electronic device for cheating during an exam or in class quiz.  Any student caught cheating or assisting another student in the act of cheating, will receive a “0” points.  Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas without giving that source credit. Any assignment turned in without citing your source or if it appears that the information you presented is not entirely your own and is not cited will be an automatic “0” for that assignment.  

Academic Accommodations Statement:

A student with a disability, who would like to request an academic accommodation, is responsible for identifying herself/himself to the instructor and to the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS).  To make arrangements for academic accommodations, contact the Learning Disabilities Program in Johnson Center, U-103, or phone (714) 564-6264, TTY (714) 564-6284 for a referral to the appropriate DSPS Department. If you would like more information, visit,


For Important Semester Dates refer to the Fall Schedule of Classes.

FALL 2017




August 28, 2017


​September 4, 2017

​Labor Day

​September 10

​Last day to Add or Drop full-term classes without "W" grade & w/ refund.

September 15, 2017

​Last day to file Pass/No Pass for first GR8 Weeks classes

​September 29, 2017

​Last day to file Pass/No Pass for full-semester classes

October 20, 2017

Deadline for  CSU and IGETC petition
​Deadline for December graduation petition
Deadline for December certificates

​October 23, 2017

​Second GR8 Weeks classes begin

​November 10, 2017

​Veterans Day Observed

​November 19, 2017

​Last day to drop a full-semester class with a "W" grade

​November 23 - 26

​Thanksgiving - Holiday

December 11-17

Final Exams Week





       SAC Fall 2017 Bio 193 - Biotech C: Nucleic Acids  







M 8/28



Micropipetting Review

Solutions and Reagent Prep


Molecular Cell Biology Overview

Nucleic Acid Extractions


M 9/4

Labor Day





M 9/11

DNA Prep

Competent Cells


Restriction Endonucleases


M 9/18


Restriction Digests

Restriction Mapping

Nucleic Acid Modifying Enzymes


M 9/25

Transformation Efficiencies

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Model Systems



M 10/2

DNA Extraction & Clean-Up

DNA Ligations & Modifications



M 10/9


PCR Troubleshooting

Primer Design

DNA Sequencing/Fingerprinting


M 10/16

PCR Primer Design


Exam I

RNA Silencing


M 10/23

NSF-ATE Meeting

DNA Sequencing – online activity


NSF-ATE Meeting

RNA Silencing/Interference


M 10/30

DNA Fingerprinting 




M 11/6

RNA Interference w C. elegans

CRISPR Projects



M 11/13


CRISPR Projects



M 11/20

CRISPR/Cas 9 Projects


Model Systems



M 11/27

CRISPR/Cas9 Projects


Bioreactors – Culture Conditions


M 12/4

Culture Conditions in Bioreactor

Exam II



M 12/11

Detection of Gene & Expression Product

Final Projects –

Lab Notebook

Formal Lab Write-Up

Course Summary:

Date Details Due