Course Syllabus

SAC LogoArt 100 Syllabus

Course Syllabus:  Art 100 Syllabus

Meet Your Instructor:  Adjunct Professor Jennifer Monroe

Office Hours: arranged

Jennifer Monroe in UK

MFA Metals & Jewelry - Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Art History Certificate - Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

BA Studio Art - CSU Long Beach


Course Description: 

A study of the visual arts in relation to both personal and cultural expressions. Fundamentals of visual organization, color theory, terminology, historical art movements and concepts will be studied. Required for most art majors.

Textbook Information: 

Your textbook is in OER format. OER stands for Open Educational Resource. When you registered for this class you were charged an additional $5 for use of the OER e-book. There are no other additional charges for the ebook. Links to the book are distributed throughout the Learning Modules, but you may also go directly to the e-book through this link

Course Learning Objectives: Students will...

  1. Analyze works of art based on their formal characteristics including the elements of art and the principles of design.
  2. Classify works of art into categories based on their purpose and/or function.
  3. Know and understand traditional and contemporary art media and their techniques.
  4. Consider and discuss from various theoretical perspectives the purposes for artistic creation across cultures and time frames.

Methods of Evaluation:
1. Discussions (Regular Class Participation): You are expected to participate in regular active learning assignments that will take the form of Discussions. You will need to complete the assignments by the due dates and you will earn points for completing each assignment. For Discussions you are expected to post your own thread and may also be required to reply to the threads of one or two or three of your classmates. Discussions will always be available at least two weeks before they are due on their respective due date by 11:59 p.m. Late Discussions receive a 0 (zero). Check the syllabus or individual Discussions for due dates.

2. Quizzes There is a mandatory Quiz at the end of each of the six Modules. The number of questions on each Quiz varies from about 15 to 35. Questions are multiple choice, matching, and true/false.

Points Distribution:
Total of all Discussions: 50% of your semester grade
Total of all Quizzes: 50% of your semester grade

IMPORTANT: Each Discussion is worth a maximum of 5, 10, 15 or 20 points depending on the amount of work and complexity. Discussions will be scored on a scale that allows more points for a higher level of work. To ensure that you receive the most points possible on every Discussion, your contributions should always: Thoroughly address all parts of the assignment. Your comments should be clearly stated, demonstrating that you appropriately reviewed and synthesized the content. Support your statements when appropriate. Writing should always be done in your own words or quoted and cited. If you use any source form information, please include a simple citation. Plagiarized posts receive a zero for the first infraction. A second infraction results in an F grade for the semester.  

When replying to a classmate's thread(s), your contributions should be substantial, well written observations, opinions, questions, experiences, critiques, suggestions, etc.  

All of your postings should be appropriate, using proper language, cordiality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.  
Grading Scale:

A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 0-59%



Course Summary:

Date Details Due