Course Syllabus



Course Syllabus: 110 Syllabus Spring 2018.pdf

110 course schedule Spr2018.pdf



Meet Your Instructor:  

Instructor:           Dawn McKenna-Sallade, MA OTR/L

Phone:               (714) 564-6681


Office:                 T-206

Office Hours:      Monday/Wednesday 11:15-12:15 and 1:55-2:25

                           Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:00

                           By Appointment

Students are welcome to come to the office during scheduled office hours.  I welcome individual appointments.  If in-person contact can not be arranged, I am also available by email.  Students are encouraged to ask questions to clarify any information that is not clear. You can ask questions on the discussions page and email is always a good way to contact me. I usually answer emails at least 2xs per day during the week.  

Course Description:  This 3 unit course will explore human occupation across lifespan with an emphasis on the relationship between human development and occupational choice. Physical, cognitive, psychological, social, and linguistic developmental milestones and changes will be covered from fetal development through old age.

Textbook Information:  

Cronin, A, & Mandich, M (Eds.). (2016). Human Development and Performance    Throughout the Lifespan 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Additional Course Information: Students are responsible for all lecture content, assigned readings, and assignments. Students are expected to complete all reading assignments as stated in the class schedule and participate in discussion board/classroom activities.

Grading Criteria: There will be a total of 4 scheduled quizzes, 2 written assignments, discussions and a comprehensive final exam. 

         Scheduled quizzes          60%

         Final exam                      15%

         Written assignments       15%

         Discussion activities       10%

All quizzes will be given during class time. Students are responsible for bringing Scantrons to class for scheduled quizzes. Any missed scheduled quiz will result in a zero unless there is a valid emergency or illness with a medical physician’s note.

There are two written assignments and four discussion activities for this class. All written work must be in the student’s own words and, if needed, include a reference in APA format. It is important that each student does his/her own work on any written assignment. Any sentence that is taken directly from any resource must be clearly referenced. It is not acceptable to have >30% of a paper taken directly from any resource, even if it is correctly referenced. All papers/discussion board activities are due in to the instructor on the due date. In the event of an absence from class, the paper may be submitted electronically no later than the start of class. Late work will not be accepted and the student will receive a “0”.

The final exam will be comprehensive and student will be responsible for all of the information from readings, lectures, and discussions.

It is the responsibility of the student to set up an appointment with the instructor if an examination is below passing (75%).

Grading Scale: A = 93–100%

                          B = 83-92%

                          C = 75-82%

                          D = 70-74%

                          F = below 70%

Course Learning Objectives: Through lecture, discussion board, and observation opportunities the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of various aspects of development including, but not limited to, psychosocial, cognitive, and motor development.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the following functions and their relationship to development: cognitive, emotional, and perceptual.
  3. Describe basic tenets of motor learning and social learning.
  4. Identify the relationship between culture and development.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of communication and language throughout lifespan.
  6. Describe the developmental milestones that occur during the first year of life.
  7. Understand the developmental milestones that occur during the preschool years.
  8. Identify and describe developmental milestones that occur during childhood and adolescence.
  9. Differentiate between young, middle and late adulthood.
  10. Identify trends and concepts related to aging.

Student Learning Objectives:  

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of development and apply it to occupational behavior across lifespan through class discussion, discussion board activities and minimum of 75% accuracy on quizzes.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to interact with an elder adult and understand what factors affected their occupational choices through the submission of a written analysis using the following topics to demonstrate comprehension of occupational choices.
  • Impact that developmental factors have had on the person interviewed
  • Identification of factors that shaped the person’s life choices
  • Understanding the person’s occupational roles
  • Analysis of lifestyle including OT related recommendations for improvement


Course Summary:

Date Details Due