Course Syllabus

SAC LogoPhoto 180 Syllabus


Course Syllabus:  Photo 180 Syllabus


Meet Your Instructor: Juliana Rico



Course Description: 

 This class is an introduction to the technical and conceptual practices of photography using photographic image making for artistic purposes. Students will learn and demonstrate a thorough technical understanding of basic DSLR camera operations, lenses, light meters, aperture, shutter, and ISO relationship, digital workflow, Camera Raw and inkjet printing. Students will produce original photographs in response to a series of lectures, readings, and assignments. Completion of assignments will form a working understanding of camera operations, working with RAW files, file management, and fine art printing. Throughout the semester students will gain an understanding of photo history, vocabulary, and contemporary topics in photography. The class will serve as a foundation to creating a body of photography and understanding the construction of images. Students will participate and practice verbal and written articulation of their personal connection to images and how we read images as a culture.

Textbook Information: 

 Horenstein, Henry. Digital Photography: A Basic Manual.  ISBN: 0316020745 (Orange cover with flowers)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due