Course Syllabus

Chem 209 

Course Syllabus:  (Click Here)


Meet Your Instructor: 

Hello everyone,

Welcome to CHEMISTRY 209 a course dedicated to the understanding of material properties and chemical change.

"The alphabet has only 26 letters. With these 26 magic symbols, however, millions of words are written every day." -some philosophical person

The periodic table references over a hundred elements that act just like an alphabet of the universe.  These elements can be linked together to form word-like objects (molecules) in the billions.  It is these very molecules that interact to write the story of all life including yours and mine! 

I look forward to exploring the basics of chemistry and the rich history we share with it.





Course Description:  Introductory Chemistry.  Basic concepts of matter: atomic structure, formulas, equation writing, nomenclature, gases and kinetic theory. Emphasizes properties of solutions, and the mole concept in quantitative chemistry. Prepares students for biology and Chemistry 219.

Textbook Information: Foundation of College Chemistry, Hein, 15th 

Additional Course Information:  Students will also need a scientific calculator and safety goggles 
Course Learning Objectives:  Students will become proficient with laboratory techniques and problem-solving. 
Student Learning Objectives: 

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency and knowledge of course content by exam periodically throughout the semester
  • Students will be able to provide a written and/or oral explanation of chemical concepts using the appropriate scientific language and writing style with sufficient supporting evidence by exam, presentation and lab reports.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of laboratory safety, be able to show familiarity with basic lab equipment, and employ proper laboratory technique during the successful completion of laboratory experiments.

    Warm regards,

    Dr. Adam Van Wart


Course Summary:

Date Details Due