Course Syllabus

SAC LogoGeology 101 Lecture Syllabus


Course Syllabus:  Geo101LEC Spr18 Syllabus.pdf


Course Description:  Introductory course for students in any major. Study of the internal and external processes that shape the earth (earthquakes, volcanoes, groundwater, streams, landslides). Optional field trip offered. Concurrent enrollment in Geology 101L is recommended.


Textbook Information:  PHYSICAL GEOLOGY by Plummer, Carlson, & Hammersley, 15th Edition (14th Ed. ok) ISBN: 978-0-07-336938-9 published by McGraw-Hill

Student Learning Objectives:

After successfully completing this course a student will be able to (1) Demonstrate an understanding of the physical structure and morphology of the Earth and operation of Earth Systems due to plate tectonics;

(2) Identify and classify Earth materials and demonstrate an understanding of their chemical makeup; (3) Analyze and apply the scientific method to geologic problems which will result in reasonable and logical conclusions; (4) Assess and evaluate the impact of natural processes such as earthquakes and volcanoes on the human environment.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due