Course Syllabus

SAC LogoKNHE 104 Syllabus

Course Description:  

This is an applied nutrition and physical fitness course designed to facilitate a basic understanding of basic nutrition and fitness concepts.  This course will focus on principles of physical fitness, cardio respiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, and nutrition.  Applied concepts will include personal fitness program development, diet analysis, and a personal nutrition plan.

Textbook Information:  Fit and Well Custom 11th Edition, Fahey ISBN 9781308158969

Additional Course Information: 
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Course Learning Objectives:  

  1. Discriminate between the classes of nutrients and understand their role in the production of energy and sustaining good health.
  2. Record and document their eating behaviors and formulate appropriate nutritional strategies.
  1. Understand and apply the synergism that diet and exercise has on Health and body composition of the human being.
  2. Know how to evaluate, interpret, and prescribe (in the context of health and fitness) appropriate body composition.
  1. Gain knowledge about flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic fitness assessment, and exercise prescription.
  2. Understanding obesity, weight management, and aging.
  3. Assess the overall diet, as well as create a diet that will facilitate the nutritional and body composition goals of an individual.
  4. Prescribe an exercise program that will facilitate body composition and fitness goals.
  5. Understand the metabolism of food in energy production.

Course Syllabus:  KNHE 104 44552_FA_2018 _Abbey_Syllabus.docx





Course Summary:

Date Details Due